Book A Session

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01260 276283

07957 466 427

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What is the free initial consultation for?

This is an informal 30minute discussion, which gives you the opportunity to meet with me to discuss your needs and for us both to decide if we wish to work together. Choosing the right counsellor for you is an important decision and you are under no obligation to continue. Some people know immediately whether to proceed, others like to go home and consider their decision.


What happens next?

We agree to the number of sessions we will work together and as a starting point 6 sessions is suggested, although this can depend on your individual aims and needs. Some find fewer is enough while others choose to work for longer. The first of these sessions is a history taking/assessment and involves factual questioning and form filling and may extend into the second session.


How often does counselling take place?

Generally counselling takes place weekly.


How long do the sessions last?

Many counsellors see clients for 50 minutes, some like myself prefer to see clients for an hour.


How much do you charge?

The initial consultation is free. I charge £55 per hour, not 50 minutes. Concessionary rates are available on asking.


What happens if I cannot make a session?

Missed sessions are charged for, unless you have given 24 hours notice, then there is no charge and we arrange the next appointment.


What about holidays?

Where possible 2 – 3 weeks notice is required?


Who benefits from counselling?

There are many reasons people come for counselling. Sometimes they have no one else in their life to share what they are experiencing or they feel afraid or reluctant to share their concerns with someone they are close to. Most often it is because they are facing some difficulties or distress, have experienced trauma, bereavement or losses of any kind and change is desired. Some people come for personal development or part of a training programme. I believe counselling can benefit most of us – being listened to in an understanding, respectful and non judgemental way, in itself can be a life changing experience. On my home page is a list of the type of issues I work with.


If you have any further questions or concerns relating to counselling and how it may help you, please phone or email me to discuss without any obligation. Then you can make an informed decision whether counselling is for you.

To book an appointment, please call 07763 874 653
